Imprimis is Hillsdale
College's monthly publication that has over 1.25 million readers. It's
Hillsdale's way of sharing the ideas of the many distinguished speakers
invited to its campus. And, I might add, Hillsdale College is one of the
few colleges where students get a true liberal arts education, absent the
nonsense seen on many campuses.
The January edition of Imprimis contains an important speech by former
New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew P. Napolitano titled "Property
Rights After the Kelo Decision." For those who haven't kept up, the Kelo
decision is the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 decision that upheld the city
of New London, Connecticut's condemnation of the property of one private
party so that another private party could use it to build an office
facility. Such a decision was a flagrant violation of the letter and
spirit of the Fifth Amendment, which reads in part, "nor shall private
property be taken for public use without just compensation." Public use,
according to the Constitution's framers, means uses such as roads, bridges
and forts.
(Column continues below)
While most Americans appreciate the concept of yours and mine, Judge
Napolitano's speech gives it greater focus. Formerly a law professor,
Napolitano says, "When teaching law students the significance of private
property, we tell them that each owner of such property has something
called a 'bundle of rights.' The first of these is the right to use the
property. The second is the right to alienate the property. The third and
greatest is the right to exclude people from the property."
Can the government force one to sell his property? James Madison said
yes, so long as it was for a public use and the owner was paid a fair
market value. Thomas Jefferson was opposed to a person being forced to
sell his property for a public use, arguing that the essence of private
property is the right to exclude anyone, including government, from the
property. But Madison's view prevailed, hence the Fifth Amendment
In recent years, state and local governments have been running
roughshod over private property rights in ways that would have horrified
our founders. In the 1959 Courtesy Sandwich Shop case, a New York court
held that if the tax collector collects more taxes by taking the private
property of one party and transferring it to another, that's a public use
permitted by the Constitution.
Recently, the city of Port Chester, N.Y., gave a private developer
virtual power to condemn property within its designated redevelopment
area. Bart Didden and Dominick Bologna, owners of property within the
redevelopment area, approached the private developer for a permit to build
a CVS pharmacy on their land. The developer told them to pay him $800,000
or give him a 50 percent interest in the CVS pharmacy or he'd have the
local government condemn the land. Didden and Bologna refused, and the
next day their land was condemned. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
upheld the local government's decision, which is nothing less than
sanctioning extortion.
Napolitano concluded his speech pointing out something that few
Americans appreciate. Natural rights do not come from government; they
spring from our humanity. Or, as our founders put it, we are endowed by
our "Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness," the latter meaning property. We
establish governments to secure these rights.
Unfortunately, Americans have permitted governments at every level to
become increasingly destructive of the ends they were created to serve.
Under the color of law, government often does to us what thieves and
crooks do, and like a nation of sheep we stand by and take it, and what's
worse, sometimes we ask for it.
Related special offer:
Judge Napolitano's "Constitutional Chaos: What Happens When the Government
Breaks Its Own Laws"